
Collectively, the SeCo project will produce 10 research reports and 3 prototype families, summarized below.

R1 – State of art on search computing infrastructure, M9. This is delivered in the form of the Springer-Verlag LNCS Book "Search Computing Challenges and Directions", vol. 5950, S. Ceri and M. Brambilla Eds.
R2Report on search computing infrastructure, M18
R3Report on search computing languages, M24. This is delivered in the form of a short report. The project outcomes at M24 are collected into papers delivered in the form of the Springer-Verlag LNCS Book "Search Computing: Trends and Developments", April 2011.
R4 – Report on search computing methods, M30. This is delivered in the form of the Springer-Verlag LNCS Book "Search Computing: Trends and Developments", vol. 6585, S. Ceri and M. Brambilla Eds.
R5 – Report on higher-order search computing, M48. This is delivered in the form of the Springer-Verlag LNCS Book: "Search Computing: Broadening Web Search", Vol. 7538, S. Ceri and M. Brambilla eds.
R6Report on semantically enriched search computing, M54
R7Report on search computing interfaces, M42
R8 – Report on search computing adaptive components, M48. This is delivered in the form of the Springer-Verlag LNCS Book: "Search Computing: Broadening Web Search", Vol. 7538, S. Ceri and M. Brambilla eds.
R9Report on high performance search computing, M60
R10 – Report on economic and legal aspects of search computing (R10a, R10b), M60
P1 - Execution environment prototype, M18
P2 - Prototype supporting specialized languages and design tools, M30
P3 - Final prototype, supporting dynamic search service selection, high-level ranking, adaptive search service selection with individual and collective preferences, M54