Search Computing Demonstrations
This page collects a set of demonstration video and live demonstrators that show three main technical aspects of Search Computing: the novel exploratory user interaction paradigm, the semantically-enabled service registration, the execution engine environment, which includes an engine workbench. This page also contains highlights from the several demonstration activities performed during the project. A final section gather additional demonstration videos that have been produced by SeCo master students and phds as a result of their activities.
Videos | Live Demonstrators | Demonstration Events | Other Demonstration Videos
- Service Registration: This demo illustrates how a new service may be added to the SeCo platform. Given its descriptor, a Service Interface is "registered" within the platform in a semi-automatic procedure. The procedure finds suitable domain items (i.e. entities and attributes) given the service description, with the supervision of an expert users. As a result, the new Service Interface is added to the framework together with its logical (Access Pattern) and conceptual (Service Mart) counterpart. [more ...]
- Exploratory Search: Web applications which use an exploratory approach can be built in a variety of ways; in SeCo, we designed an orchestrator-based approach where each exploratory step is based upon a cycle of: selection of the next service to be invoked, provisioning of input parameters, query execution, data display, and data processing. This demonstration video showcases the exploratory search paradigm of SeCo. [more ...]
- Search Engine Workbench and SeCoQL Demonstrator: The demo presents the SeCo execution engine, walking through the interface for formulating multi-domain queries and follows the steps of the query engine that builds the result, with the help of run-time monitors that clearly explain the system’s behavior. [more ...]
- Mockup of a Vertical Night Planner System: Concept design of a Night Out planning application. [more ...]
- Vertical Application: Concert Planning: This demonstration aims at showcasing all the available interaction options offered by Liquid Query. Liquid Query is the part of the SeCo framework that deals with the user interactions, at the purpose of granting exploratory capabilities over the data. [more ...]
- Vertical Application: Scientific Publications: This video demonstrator aims at showcasing a novel approach to Linked Data navigation, providing richer data navigation and exploration through configurable user interfaces, while offering mechanisms to create relationships between Linked Data and non-Linked Data sources. [more ...]
Live Demonstrators
To demonstrate the functionalities of the SeCo framework, we deployed three live demonstrators addressing different use cases and user information needs. The three live demonstrators are based on the exploratory search interface demonstrated in the exploratory search video, and explained in the How to use the Exploratory Search UI tutorial.
Scenario 1: Night Planner
A night planner is a short-term Web application presenting several geo-localized services, describing restaurants, shows, movies, family-events, music concerts, etc. The demostrator features an exploratory search interface, and a nlp query inteface that allows users to pose their query as a natural language question. [more ...]
Scenario 2: Real Estate
The Real Estate scenario simulates an information need for users that need to change their job and, consequently, to find a new place to live, possibly nearby a good school for the kids. The scenario features three classes of geo-localized services, describing real estate selling and rental services, job finding services, and resources related to schools. [more ...]

Scenario 3: BioInformatics
In the Life Sciences, numerous questions can be addressed only by comprehensively searching different types of data that are inherently ordered, or are associated with ranked confidence values. By using available Web services for searching bioinformatics data and taking advantage of the attributes they define for providing a ranking, search computing techniques can be applied to efficiently search for globally ranked answers to such complex questions.
An example Life Science scenario has been considered to illustrate the new Bio Serch Computing (Bio-SeCo) prototype. The demostrator features an exploratory search interface and three classes of bio-services, i.e. sequence alignment search services (NCBI Blast and WU-BLAST), gene expression search service (Array Express), and genomic and proteomic data access (GPDW protein coding gene and gene biological function annotation) services. It allows users to explore available data and expand/refine partial query results to find answers to their complex biological questions. [more ...]
Demonstration Events
2nd Search Computing Workshop
Demonstration of the SeCo components during the second Search Computing workshop in Como.
Related publication.

ICSOC 2010
Demonstration of the service architecture at ICSOC.
Related publication.

Demonstration of SeCo Engine and Workbench at SIGMOD 2011
Related publication.

WWW 2011
Dimonstration of Liquid Query Interface at WWW 2011
Related publication.
ICWE 2011
Demonstration of the overall SECO architecture at ICWE 2011
Related publication.