Marco Brambilla, Stefano Ceri, Alon Y. Halevy :
Special issue on structured and crowd-sourced data on the Web.
VLDB J. 22(5): 587-588
Ilio Catallo, Eleonora Ciceri, Piero Fraternali, Davide Martinenghi, Marco Tagliasacchi:
Top-k diversity queries over bounded regions
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 38(2): 10
Cinzia Cappiello, Maristella Matera, Matteo Picozzi :
End-User Development of Mobile Mashups
HCI (12) 2013, Springer
Maristella Matera, Matteo Picozzi, Michele Pini, Marco Tonazzo:
PEUDOM: A Mashup Platform for the End User Development of Common Information Spaces
ICWE 2013, Springer
Alessandro Bozzon, Ilio Catallo, Eleonora Ciceri, Piero Fraternali, Davide Martinenghi, Marco Tagliasacchi:
A Framework for Crowdsourced Multimedia Processing and Querying
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Crowdsourcing Web Search (CrowdSearch 2012), April 17th 2012, Lyon, France, p. 31-35
Sara Comai, Davide Mazza:
A model-driven methodology to the content layout problem in web applications
ACM Transactions on the Web TWEB, vol. 6, n. 3, September 2012, DOI = 10.1145/2344416.2344417.
Gloria Bordogna, Alessandro Campi, Giuseppe Psaila, Stefania Ronchi:
Disambiguated query suggestions and personalized content-similarity and novelty ranking of clustered results to optimize web searches
Inf. Process. Manage. 48(3): 419-437
Carlo Combi, Giuseppe Pozzi, Rosalba Rossato:
Querying temporal clinical databases on granular trends
Journal of Biomedical Informatics 45(2): 273-291
Matteo Gozzi, Roberto Posenato, Giuseppe Pozzi:
Conceptual modeling of flexible temporal workflows
TAAS 7(2): 19
Donato Barbagallo, Cinzia Cappiello, Chiara Francalanci, Maristella Matera, Matteo Picozzi:
Informing observers: quality-driven filtering and composition of web 2.0 sources
EDBT/ICDT Workshops 2012, ACM
Meghyn Bienvenu, Daniel Deutch, Davide Martinenghi, Pierre Senellart, Fabian M. Suchanek:
Dealing with the Deep Web and all its Quirks
VLDS 2012
Cinzia Cappiello, Maristella Matera, Matteo Picozzi, Florian Daniel, Adrian Fernandez:
Quality-Aware Mashup Composition: Issues, Techniques and Tools
Cinzia Cappiello, Maristella Matera, Matteo Picozzi, Alessandro Caio, Mariano Tomas Guevara:
MobiMash: end user development for mobile mashups
WWW (Companion Volume) 2012, ACM
M. Masseroli, M. Tagliasacchi, D. Chicco:
Semantically improved genome-wide prediction of gene ontology annotations
11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2011)
, Tuesday, November 22, 2011 - Thursday, November 24, 2011
D. Chicco, M. Tagliasacchi, M. Masseroli:
Biomolecular annotation prediction through information integration
CIBB2011 - 8th International Meeting on Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics
, Thursday, June 30, 2011 - Saturday, July 2, 2011
A. Canakoglu, G. Ghisalberti, M. Masseroli:
Integration of genomic, proteomic and biomolecular interaction data to support biomedical knowledge discovery
CIBB2011 - 8th International Meeting on Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics
, Thursday, June 30, 2011 - Saturday, July 2, 2011
M. Quigliatti, M. Masseroli:
In silico identification of new biomolecular annotations
BITS 2011: VIII Annual Meeting of the Bioinformatics Italian Society
, Monday, June 20, 2011 - Wednesday, June 22, 2011
D. Chicco, M. Tagliasacchi, M. Masseroli:
Improved singular value decomposition method for biomolecular annotation prediction
BITS 2011: VIII Annual Meeting of the Bioinformatics Italian Society
, Monday, June 20, 2011 - Wednesday, June 22, 2011
A. Canakoglu, G. Ghisalberti, M. Masseroli:
Integration of protein-protein interaction data in a genomic and proteomic data warehouse
BITS 2011: VIII Annual Meeting of the Bioinformatics Italian Society
, Monday, June 20, 2011 - Wednesday, June 22, 2011
H. Decker and D. Martinenghi:
Inconsistency-tolerant Integrity Checking
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering, 23(2), 2011
C. Cappiello, F. Daniel, M. Matera, M. Picozzi, M. Weiss:
Enhancing the Selection of Web Sources: A Reputation Based Approach
Proc. of the International Symposium on End User Development - IS-EUD 2011
C. Cappiello, F. Daniel, A. Koschmider, M. Matera, M. Picozzi:
A Quality Model for Mashups
International Conference on Web Engineering – ICWE 2011
C. Cappiello, M. Matera, M. Picozzi. G. Sprega, D. Barbagallo, C. Francalanci:
DashMash: a Mashup Environment for End User Development
International Conference on Web Engineering – ICWE 2011
F. Pinciroli, M. Corso, A. Fuggetta, M. Masseroli, S. Bonacina, S. Marceglia:
Telemedicine and E-Health
IEEE Pulse 2011 May-Jun; 2(3): 62-70.
L. Pattini, R. Bertacco, G. Candiani, M. Masseroli, S. Servi:
Genomics and Proteomics
Journal of Applied Biomaterials & Biomechanics 2011; 9
A. Canakoglu, G. Ghisalberti, M. Masseroli:
Integration of biomolecular interaction data in a genomic and proteomic data warehouse to support biomedical knowledge discovery
Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics. ISBN 978-3-642-15119-4. Heidelberg, D: Springer; 2011. LNCS.
D. Chicco, M. Tagliasacchi, M. Masseroli:
Biomolecular annotation prediction based on integrated information
Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics. ISBN 978-3-642-15119-4. Heidelberg, D: Springer; 2011. LNCS.
Florian Daniel, Maristella Matera, Michael Weiss:
Next in Mashup Development: User-Created Apps on the Web
IT Professional 13(5): 22-29
M. Masseroli, M. Tagliasacchi, D. Chicco:
Prediction of Gene Ontology annotations using improved Single Value Decomposition methods
BioMed@POLIMI: Twenty Years and Beyond
, Tuesday, November 30, 2010 - Wednesday, November 30, 2011
M. Masseroli, G. Ghisalberti, L. Tettamanti:
Detection of errors and inconsistencies in biomolecular databases through integrative approaches and quality controls
Tenth IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering: BIBE 2010
, Monday, May 31, 2010 - Thursday, June 3, 2010
M. Tagliasacchi, R. Sarati, M. Masseroli:
Prediction of Gene Ontology annotations based on gene functional clustering
Tenth IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering: BIBE 2010
, Monday, May 31, 2010 - Thursday, June 3, 2010
M. Masseroli, M. Tagliasacchi:
Gene functional clustering for improved prediction of Gene Ontology annotations
BITS 2010: VII Annual Meeting of the Bioinformatics Italian Society
, Wednesday, April 14, 2010 - Friday, April 16, 2010
G. Ghisalberti, M. Masseroli, L. Tettamanti:
Quality checking of data in biomolecular databases.
BITS 2010: VII Annual Meeting of the Bioinformatics Italian Society
, Wednesday, April 14, 2010 - Friday, April 16, 2010
Alessandro Bozzon, Marco Brambilla, Piero Fraternali, Pasquale Pigazzini:
Integration of a Human Face Annotation Technology in an Audio-visual Search Engine Platform
25th Symposium on Applied Computing
, Tuesday, March 23, 2010
D. F. Barbieri, D. Braga, S. Ceri, E. Della Valle and M. Grossniklaus:
C-SPARQL: A Continuous Query Language for RDF Data Streams
International Journal of Semantic Computing (IJSC), 2010, World Scientific Publishing
D. F. Barbieri, D. Braga, S. Ceri and M. Grossniklaus:
An Execution Environment for C-SPARQL Queries
In Proceedings of EDBT 2010, 13th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland, March 2010
Alessandro Bozzon, Marco Brambilla, Piero Fraternali:
Searching Repositories of Web application models
10th International Conference on Web Engineering, July 5-9, 2010, Vienna, Austria.
Alessandro Bozzon, Sara Comai, Piero Fraternali, Giovanni Toffetti Carughi:
Engineering Rich Internet Applications with a Model-Driven approach
"ACM Transaction on the Web (TWEB), April 2010, vol. 4, p. 7.1-7.47.
A. Calì, D. Martinenghi:
Querying Incomplete Data over Extended ER Schemata
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, vol. 10(3), pp. 291-329, 2010
D. Martinenghi and R. Torlone:
A Logical Approach to Context-Aware Databases
In A. D’Atri, M. D. Marco, A. Braccini and F. Cabiddu, editors, Management of the Interconnected World, pages 211–220. 2010 (book chapter)
D. Martinenghi, R. Torlone:
Querying Databases with Taxonomies
29th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2010)
Matteo Picozzi, Marta Rodolfi, Cinzia Cappiello, Maristella Matera:
Quality-Based Recommendations for Mashup Composition
ICWE Workshops 2010: 360-371
Cinzia Cappiello, Florian Daniel, Maristella Matera, Cesare Pautasso:
Information Quality in Mashups
IEEE Internet Computing 14(4): 14-22 (2010)
G. Ghisalberti, M. Masseroli, L. Tettamanti:
Quality controls in integrative approaches to detect errors and inconsistencies in biological databases
Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics. 2010; 7(3): 119, p. 1-13.
H. Decker, D. Martinenghi:
Inconsistency-tolerant Integrity Checking
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering
A. Calì, D. Calvanese, D. Martinenghi:
Dynamic Query Optimization under Access Limitations and Dependencies
Journal of Universal Computer Science
D. F. Barbieri, D. Braga, S. Ceri, E. Della Valle, M. Grossniklaus:
Incremental Reasoning on Streams and Rich Background Knowledge
The Semantic Web: Research and Applications, 7th Extended Semantic Web Conference, ESWC 2010, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, May 30 - June 3, 2010
G. Bordogna, A. Campi, G. Psaila, S. Ronchi:
A Cluster Manipulation Paradigm for Mobile Web Search Interaction
IIR 2010 - Proceedings of the First Italian Information Retrieval Workshop, Padua, Italy, January 27-28, 2010
D. Barbagallo, C. Cappiello, C. Francalanci, M. Matera:
Enhancing the Selection of Web Sources: A Reputation Based Approach
ICEIS 2010
M. Masseroli, S. Ceri, A. Campi:
Integration and mining of genomic annotations: Experiences and perspectives in GFINDer data warehousing
Data Integration in the Life Sciences. 6th International Workshop, DILS 2009. ISBN 978-3-642-02878-6. Heidelberg, D: Springer; 2009. p. 88-95. LNCS (Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics; vol 5647).
, Monday, July 20, 2009 - Wednesday, July 22, 2009
M. Tagliasacchi, M. Masseroli:
Anomaly-free prediction of Gene Ontology annotations using Bayesian Networks
Proceedings of the 2009 Ninth IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering: BIBE 2009
, Monday, June 22, 2009 - Wednesday, June 24, 2009
M. Masseroli, S. Ceri, L. Tettamanti, A. Campi, S. Sormani:
Integration of distributed heterogeneous biomolecular data to support biological discovery
BITS 2009: Sixth Annual Meeting Bioinformatics Italian Society
, Wednesday, March 18, 2009 - Friday, March 20, 2009
M. Masseroli, S. Ceri, L. Tettamanti, A. Campi, S. Sormani:
Integration of distributed heterogeneous biomolecular data to support biological discovery
BITS 2009: Sixth Annual Meeting Bioinformatics Italian Society
, Wednesday, March 18, 2009 - Friday, March 20, 2009
A. Bozzon, M. Brambilla, P. Fraternali:
Conceptual Modeling of Multimedia Search Applications Using Rich Process Models
ICWE 2009, Springer LNCS, vol. 5648, ISBN 978-3-642-02817-5, pp. 315-329
A. Bozzon, M. Brambilla, F. M. Facca, G. Toffetti Carughi:
A Conceptual Modeling Approach to Business Service Mashup Development
IEEE International Conference on Web Services, ICWS 2009, Los Angeles. IEEE Press, July 2009, pp. 751 - 758.
P. Fraternali, M. Brambilla, A. Bozzon:
Model-Driven Design of Audiovisual Indexing Processes for Search-Based Applications
Content-Based Multimedia Indexing, 2009, CBMI '09, IEEE Press, ISBN: 978-1-4244-4265-2, pp. 120-125.
D. F. Barbieri, D. Braga, S. Ceri, E. Della Valle and M. Grossniklaus:
C-SPARQL: SPARQL for Continuous Querying
Proceedings of WWW 2009, 18th International World Wide Web Conference (Poster), Madrid, Spain, April 2009
D. F. Barbieri, D. Braga, S. Ceri, E. Della Valle and M. Grossniklaus:
Continuous Queries and Real-time Analysis of Social Semantic Data with C-SPARQL
In Proceedings of SDoW 2009, 2nd ISWC Workshop on Social Data on the Web, Washington, DC, USA, October 2009
A. Calì, D. Calvanese, D. Martinenghi:
Dynamic Query Optimization under Access Limitations and Dependencies
Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol. 15(21), pp. 33-62, 2009
A. Calì, Laks V.S. Lakshmanan, D. Martinenghi:
Logic In Databases: Report on the LID 2008 Workshop
SIGMOD Record, vol. 38(3), pp. 44-49, 2009.
D. Martinenghi, R. Torlone:
Querying Context-Aware Databases
8th International Conference on Flexible Query Answering Systems (FQAS 2009), pp. 76-87
H. Decker, D. Martinenghi:
Modeling, Measuring and Monitoring the Quality of Information
In proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Quality of Information Systems (QoIS 2009), pp. 212-221.
Cinzia Cappiello, Florian Daniel, Maristella Matera:
A Quality Model for Mashup Components
ICWE 2009: 236-250
Florian Daniel, Maristella Matera:
Turning Web Applications into Mashup Components: Issues, Models, and Solutions
ICWE 2009: 45-60
H. Decker, D. Martinenghi:
Modeling, Measuring and Monitoring the Quality of Information
ER Workshops (4th International Workshop on Quality of Information Systems - QoIS 2009)
D. Martinenghi, R. Torlone:
Querying Context-Aware Databases
8th International Conference on Flexible Query Answering Systems (FQAS 2009)
M. Brambilla, M. Dosmi, P. Fraternali:
Model-Driven Engineering of Service Orchestrations
G. Bordogna, A. Campi, G. Psaila, S. Ronchi :
Query Disambiguation Based on Novelty and Similarity User's Feedback
FQAS 2009
G. Bordogna, A. Campi, G. Psaila, S. Ronchi:
A Swiss Army Knife for manipulating Web search results
SEBD 2009
M. Nardelli, M. Masseroli:
Genomic and proteomic information integration and query
ECCB 2008: Joint 7th European Conference on Computational Biology and 5th Bioinformatics ITalian Society Meeting
, Monday, September 22, 2008 - Friday, September 26, 2008
M. Nardelli, M. Masseroli:
Integration and quality control of distributed genomic and proteomic information
5th International Workshop on Data Integration in the Life Sciences: DILS 2008
, Wednesday, June 25, 2008 - Friday, June 27, 2008
M. Nardelli, M. Masseroli:
Warehousing of genomic and proteomic distributed information: integration, management and interrogation
Bioinformatics methods for biomedical complex system applications. NETTAB 2008: Eighth International Workshop on Network Tools and Applications in Biology
, Monday, May 19, 2008 - Wednesday, May 21, 2008
M. Brambilla, S. Ceri, I. Celino, D. Cerizza, E. Della Valle, F. M. Facca, A. Turati, C. Tziviskou:
Experiences in the Design of Semantic Services Using Web Engineering Methods and Tools
Journal on Data Semantics 2008
D. Braga, D. Calvanese, A. Campi, S. Ceri, F. Daniel, D. Martinenghi, P. Merialdo, R. Torlone:
NGS: a Framework for Multi-Domain Query Answering
IIMAS, International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops (ICDE), April 2008
D. Braga, D. Calvanese, A. Campi, S. Ceri, F. Daniel, D. Martinenghi, P. Merialdo, R. Torlone:
A New Generation Search Engine Supporting Cross Domain Queries
Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems (SEBD), June 2008
A. Raffio, D. Braga, S. Ceri, P. Papotti, M. Hernandez:
Clip: a Tool for Mapping Hierarchical Schemas
ACM SIGMOD/PODS Conference, Demo Session, June 2008
E. Della Valle, S. Ceri, D. F. Barbieri, D. Braga, A. Campi:
A First Step Towards Stream Reasoning
Future Internet Symposium (FIS) 2008, pp. 72-81
A. Raffio, D. Braga, S. Ceri, P. Papotti, M. Hernandez:
Clip: a Visual Language for Explicit Schema Mappings
International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), April 2008
A. Calì, D. Martinenghi:
Conjunctive Query Containment under Access Limitations
ER 2008, pp. 326-340
S. Ceri, C. Bolchini, D. Braga, M. Brambilla, A. Campi, S. Comai, P. Fraternali, P.L. Lanzi, M. Masseroli, M. Matera, M. Negri, G. Pelagatti, G. Pozzi, E. Quintarelli, F.A. Schreiber, L. Tanca:
Data and web management research at Politecnico di Milano
SIGMOD Record 2007 Dec; 36(4): 43-48.